fluid unit中文什么意思

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  1. Similarly , correlation of grain size between porosity and permeability also shows in the microfacies and the fluid unit
  2. High heterogeneity of the reservoir quality of the chang - 2 oil - bearing beds reflected primarily in the facies , subfacies and microfacies , and the fluid unit of the microfacies as well
  3. This article established the optimizing , identifying , classifying and appraising standard of the two - formation - type reservoir fluid units of the of sandstone and conglomerate reservoir of sha3 lower member and sha4 upper member , and instructs the oil exploitation
  4. 6 , clustering analyzing method has been used , and guan 3 - 6 sand bed sets have been divided into 5 fluid units quantificationally . the spacing distribution of the fluid units and their controlling function to the residual oil distribution has been descripted
    6 、应用聚类分析方法,定量地将南区馆3一6砂层组分为五种流动单元,并描述了各流动单元的空间分布及对剩余油分布的控制作用。
  5. In this paper , oil reservoir fine description has been applied , and by study of reservoir , structure and fluid features , fluid units have been divided and new geology models have been rebuilt . then logging data have been reinterpreted and reprocessed and numerical modeling results have been used . on base of these work , the residual oil distribution feature and regulation in the fluvial facies sandstone in gudao oil field south region has been scientifically studied


  1. fluid trap 什么意思
  2. fluid twisting 什么意思
  3. fluid type 什么意思
  4. fluid type instability 什么意思
  5. fluid underrunning 什么意思
  6. fluid units 什么意思
  7. fluid valve 什么意思
  8. fluid valved coupling 什么意思
  9. fluid velocity 什么意思
  10. fluid velocity profile 什么意思


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